Weekly Activity Schedule for Pura Vida Sober Living Hosted by Reclaim Project Recovery

Pura Vida Sober Living in Spokane, WA, is a premier sober living facility that offers a diverse range of activities designed to support the recovery and personal growth of men in sobriety. The weekly schedule is crafted to maintain a balance between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, catering to individuals committed to a sober lifestyle.

Daily Activities

Morning Routines

The facility opens at 6:00 AM, Monday through Saturday, beginning the day with an opportunity for personal time and gym access, promoting physical fitness and mental clarity.

Structured Classes

Throughout the week, men can participate in various classes from 7:00 AM onwards, including Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) for discipline and strength, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIT) for fitness, and mobility sessions for flexibility and recovery.

Community Engagement

Central to the recovery process, community engagement activities are scheduled from Wednesday to Friday and on the weekends, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among the participants.

Recovery and Spiritual Meetings

Key recovery sessions such as “Hugs Not Drugs”, Bible studies, and Narcotics Anonymous meetings (not affiliated) are strategically placed in the evenings, providing spiritual support and fostering community connections.

Special Events

The week also features special sessions like meditation classes and a dedicated “Wrap-up” meeting on Sunday evening, ensuring a reflective and restorative end to the week.

Facility Availability

The facility observes a closure on Sunday, allowing residents a day of rest and reflection, essential for a balanced recovery journey.

Contact Information and Admissions

Admissions are open Monday to Friday, with scheduled intakes ensuring a smooth transition for new residents. Contact information for the program director and other key staff:

Program Director

Shawn Kingsbury

Business Director

Aaron Allen

Resource Director

John Ahern