Category: News

  • Our WAQRR Certification: A Milestone for The Reclaim Project Recovery

    Our WAQRR Certification: A Milestone for The Reclaim Project Recovery

    The Reclaim Project Recovery has earned accreditation from the Washington Alliance for Quality Recovery Residences (WAQRR). This significant achievement underscores our commitment to providing safe, supportive, and high-quality sober living environments for individuals in recovery. Here’s why this certification matters and what it means for our community and residents. Earning the WAQRR certification is more…

  • Spokane County Sheriff endorses the Reclaim Project

    Spokane County Sheriff endorses the Reclaim Project

    The endorsement by Sheriff Ozzie D. Knezovich underscores the effectiveness and necessity of The Reclaim Project in Spokane. As we look forward to expanding and enhancing our services, we rely on the generous support of our community members like you. Let’s work together to continue the legacy of success and transformation at The Reclaim Project.…